Sunday, June 10, 2012

---The Carefree Shirt DIY---

So, this is my first DIY I've ever done *cheers* and it came out successfully! *cheers some more* Well, for the most part, it came out a little bit too carefree for my taste, but, it really is a great, slightly chic shirt for going on a comfortable walk. (And fording a river that formed in all this rain we've been getting). So, without more of my blathering on, here's how to make this lovely winter-transformed-into-summer shirt!

1. Get a large, long-sleeved shirt, preferably loose. (Also, minus the kitten xD) And, before you do anything else, turn it inside out so you don't forget later, this is vitally important.

2. Get off the sleeves, they'll be very important soon.

3. Cut off the top half of the shirt, from the bottom of where the sleeves were up.

4. Cut straight down the seam of the sleeves.

5. Lay them flat, so they cross over each other, on the bottom half of the shirt.

6. Pin them on the shirt, the front should have the edges overlapping and the back of the shirt should have a gap.

7. I used a sewing machine to sew them together(this, however, took me much longer than I had wanted, it was a pretty nightmarish story which I can save for later. ;)) This is what it should look like now.

8. Cut about 4 inches up both seams of the shirt, then, cut 2 horizontal lines from the top of your cut about two inches each. This will be for your cinch.

9. Match the horizontal flaps up, then pin the edges of it all the way down to bottom. Sew.

10. Then, open the the flaps and pin them against the shirt. Make sure you leave holes and the tops of these so you can loop the string through. Sew.

11. This is what your shirt should look like now, if, like me, you had bits of string everywhere, this would be a good time to snip them.

12. Remember the top half of the shirt we never used? Well, you can use it here, but that's optional. So, what I did, is I cut an inch thick piece of fabric all the way around the shirt.

13. You now have a very long, circular piece of fabric, but this in half, you will now have two pieces, with good length, for both sides.

14. Loop one end through the top of one of the holes that was created when making this cinch, then, loop the other end through the remaining hole. (This is much harder than it looks) Tie.

Hurray!! You're now done and all you have to do is tie the ends of the sleeves and whichever length is most comfortable at the top of your neck. Now, you have a comfortable halter top to wear as a piece of fashion, or, as beach attire. ;)

I'm open to any comments and suggestions and they are quite welcomed, actually. Feel free to leave anything. 

<3 Felicity

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